Saturday, April 7, 2007

The End is Near

Well, the end of my break is approaching. But, having re-caught the crud that sent me to the hospital earlier on this adventure, this last week I'm laying low. I considered calling in sick on my sabbatical so I could extend it a week, but then thought better of that. So how many more of these posts do you need to negotiate?

Here is the plan:

1. This one, a catch up of interesting stuff that hasn't fit in other places.
2. Travel from Marble Falls to Austin.
3. Two days in Austin each worthy of its own posting.
4. Sabbatical by the numbers (what else would you expect from a beancounter?).
5. Finally - this is a road trip!

Both Pam and I were amazed the the Texas pride reflected throughout our trip. Everyone flys the Lone Star. Many of the ranch gates reflect it. And there is much more wildlife than I anticipated. A couple new sitings are attached including, yes, vultures!

But, just like any other adventure you might head out on, you must be careful what types of wild animals pop up.

Click here and have a look see!

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