Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Change of Plans

Woke up this morning to socked in clouds and rain. It's not supposed to do this in Death Valley. Further confirmed my choice not to stay put for another night.

Began my journey into the park hoping the weather would improve. First stop is about 21 miles off the main road near the town of Wild Rose. One house, one Rangers office, and two outbuildings does not a city make. Six miles of washboard gravel beyond Wild Rose are the Charcoal Kilns. Why did anyone ever decide they need a charcoal business way way out here? Remember rain at the beginning, up here it was snowing. I know I have a good hat and gloves in the car somewhere.

Returned to the main road and headed on to Stovepipe Wells. Near here are the sand dunes that are so often photographed. Crummy sky, bad light, and big wind convinced me that a hike among the lizards and diamondbacks was not really necessary.

So what do I do now and where will I stay tonight?

Of course! I head to the Mojave Desert. At least it sounds dry and warm.

This one feels much more like what I imagined as a desert. Lots of nothing and big skys. Warm and dry? Not necessarily so.

Actually, rain all around and lots of flash flood warning signs. So a couple pics and then on to the fine metropolis of Needles, California.

Tomorrow I plan to head up Old Hwy 66 from Needles and end up in the snow at the Grand Canyon. Shorter drive and I plan to perch there for a couple days.

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