Sunday, February 11, 2007

I'm off

Well I'm off. After a wonderful evening with my bride celebrating Valentines day - yes she agreed to be my valentine, I finished loading up and got on my way. South via Starbucks in Eugene. No stop at my mom's since her rehab home has the creeping crud. Next stop, Drain Oregon. How's that for a place to live? My dad was at the vineyard pouring wine so we missed connecting.

Tonight, Klamath Falls. I cut across the Siskyou mountains on Hwy 68. Wow, what a ride that would be on the Harley. Not today though, too much snow, sand (? big rocks to be sand) and 30 degrees. But a nice summer day? Whoa!

Only two critters today - one bald eagle and one owl, a great horned owl I think. It was huge.


Wandering SJ said...

I hope you have a copy of 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' along for the trip, if not, stop at a used bookstore along the way and get one!

- Brian - said...

I got that creeping crud from Mom's place... good idea to bypass.

- B -