Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Mother Road - Route 66

Taking the backroad from Needles to Williams and then on to Grand Canyon. Most of Route 66 has been covered over by new highway. However, some of it remains.

Described as perhaps the most beautiful section of the route, it begins flat but quickly enters the desert hills. Big country, desert, mines, and quirky places. Heck, I felt right at home.

First stop, Oatman, old mining town reinventing itself for folks like me.

In Oatman I met a number of the local residents. Some smelled better than others. So a quick refresher in the Oatman Hotel Bar, and added a dollar bill to the wall (among thousands of others). Escaped town before the gun fight erupted.

Initially, watching my budget, I thought I would stay the night near Peach Springs. No chance for a shower cap here as the facilities were down the hall. After briefly reviewing the options, and determining that a midnight trip to water the cactus was risky, I decided to head on.
Some of the businesses along the route make the most of the notoriety of the highway. A number of pictures are attached including some Oatman residents and a number of businesses encountered.
Off the old highway to Williams then north to Grand Canyon for a couple nights. More on that later. Enjoy!


Higgins said...

No pictures of any human binkings! Only donkey's living there?

- Brian - said...

They put a chunk of the torn up Route 66 in the Smithsonian.

Also, I hear that they cannot keep highways signs on it... people steal them. So they have taken to painting the route 66 signs on the pavement in some areas!