Tuesday, March 20, 2007

North to Durango

North to Durango ... sing along to North to Alaska, pretty catchy tune isn't it? After spending the morning bouncing around in a Jeep and driving through rivers, I head off again. North of Canyon de Chelly is Navajo Country. I won't make it to Navajo National Monument this time but I will next time for sure. That is where they have all the standing plateaus.

But not to be disappointed, as I head north, that is exactly what I see. Only wetting my apetite for a later visit.

Finally, how could I possibly drive by another pueblo? Of course I can't. So when I approached Aztec Ruins National Monument the car automatically veered to the left. I know you wouldn't believe me if I didn't take a snap or two so the proof is in the puddin. Here you go for one more visit.

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